Looking for a Valentine?

2017.02.11 - posted by Amilliah Kenya
God desires that you have a good spouse more than you know. Do not forget that it is God who saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone. It is God who decided to make a suitable helpmate for Adam. It is the same God who made Eve for Adam out of Adam. And just in case you have forgotten, Adam was sleeping when all this was taking place.

Wait on God. God knows your need. Your loneliness is a divine problem. God has a solution in place for you. Wait! Do not run ahead of God and reduce what would have satisfied you to a life of guilt and misery. Prayer is often followed by periods of waiting and listening to God.
Marriage takes a lifetime. It is not a gambling game. Do not just grab everyone and anyone that comes your way. God rewards those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Follow God with all diligence and do not make your move until God has put assurance and a deep settled peace within your heart. If you are serious about following God’s will, He will confirm it to you.

Do not hunt for a spouse like one hunting for birds perched on a tree. Keep your eyes open but follow God and trust His sovereignty and leadership. As the Spanish proverb goes, “he who loves one woman has loved them all; he who loves many has loved none.” Having many lovers in the name of preparing for marriage is a recipe for disaster. It is an automatic stage for failure in marriage. It is not part of the blueprint. Otherwise God would have made twenty-four women for Adam, one from every rib. Do not confuse lust for love. Those are characteristics of animal behavior, the creatures within creation; but we are created in the image and likeness of God. True love would never do such a thing.

Marriage is not for children. God did not plan it that way. If you are not old enough to prepare for marriage, you do not need to pursue this kind of a relationship. Devote yourself to Christian disciplines of knowing and walking with God as you mature into the marriage stage. This is the best way to prepare for your time. There is time for everything. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) Running ahead of God’s designed plan has consequences. Recall how God promised to give Abraham a son through his lawful wife Sarah. Abraham did not wait for the set time. He got Ishmael through Hagar, Sarah’s maid. The war fire that was lit thousands of years ago, still burns to this day. “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)

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