Standing on God’s side

2021.04.23 - posted by Amilliah Kenya
Standing on God’s side
It is not easy to talk about somethings in life. However, it refreshes and anchors our hearts in God when He walks through the weird circumstances and lets you know He is watching over you.
How do you react when someone you love revolts and walks away? What do you do when the persons you help use the resultant blessings to hurt you? How about being turned in by an individual you trusted just because they are seeking a favor for themselves?

Abraham found himself in such quagmire with his nephew. When disputes arose between their servants, Lot did not remember Abraham’s help in his life. There was no one to whisper in his ears that the whole land belonged to Abraham. Maybe, there was no courageous person to remind Lot to give his uncle the first choice of where to settle. Lot chose the best of the land and departed. Genesis 13:11.

God did not leave Abram at the mercy of his little nephew. He blessed His faithful servant with much more than land and cattle. Genesis 13:14-18.

Take heart in whatever situation you face. Christ, who sees and cares for you now, went through similar challenges. His only true friends, the disciples, turned from Him. The abundance of blessings from God in our lives drive us from Him as we seek pleasurable gratification. Judas betrayed His love for monetary gains and recognition.

Let your heart rest in the promises of God today. “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

God sees everything. He knows all things. You don’t have to fight all battles that come your way. You cannot defend yourself against everyone. People will out smart and out scheme you. Nonetheless, God who is sovereign is also just. He will stand out and look out for you.

Remain true to God regardless of what people do.

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