The Influence of a Godly Woman

2017.05.13 - posted by Amilliah Kenya
Woman, you are not ordinary
Woman, you are virtuous for you are from God
Who can underrate the power of a woman?
Who will remain untouched by the influence of a woman?

Her influence echoes down the generations
Her servitude transcends mankind
Her love outlasts the fondest of all memories
Her commitment stands the tests of time
Her determination encircles and embeds the day
Her inner strength entangles and breathes change
Her inner strength grips to mold and shape
Her bravery guards and changes destinies
Woman, oh woman! You are a friend, you are noble

Who can find a virtuous woman?
For her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10
This is the power of a godly woman

Author: Amilliah Kenya

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