Back to God for Healing

2015.02.26 - posted by Amilliah Kenya
Back to God for Healing
The twenty first century has left many marriages bruised and heavily scarred. Desperate and hurting spouses have sought solace and advice from doctors, counselors, and psychologists as some of God’s children have grown cold and even doubted the love of their heavenly Father.
God does not laugh or sniff at His children as they undergo different struggles in this century. Today, God stands with open arms ready to heal and restore us to the intended joy and pleasure.

You have been handpicked by God into His royal family to display His splendor, to be a light, and to carry on the family name.
Your family is at the heart of God. God cares about your heartaches, your crushed spirit, despair, and even defeat. God does not sni? and laugh at His children as they undergo struggles in the twenty-?rst century.

It is God’s desire that:
• Man has an honorable position.
• Man goes through life blessed.
• Man’s speci?c needs are met.
• Man’s physical and emotional needs are met.

Life can be lonely even when you are at the highest and most ful?lling position. The world is ?lled with accomplished people drowning in the silence of their despair. In fact, some of the loneliest people on earth are those who are the wealthiest.

Marriage remains the exemplary plan that brings the highest form of satisfaction to men and women. Marriage is a heavenly solution with an earthly man with his struggles in mind. Your pleasure and satisfaction is a top priority to God. Your lifetime of joy and enjoyment is encased in walking with God through His blueprint on marriage.

Let us get back to God for healing through His blueprint and witness God unlock the healing balm that will ravish your heart to ful?llment.

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