Are You Praying?
The enemy is a schemer and a liar. He will help you find many reasons why you should not go to God in prayer. In the meantime, he will be scheming and launching his attacks on you.
Some Christians hold the notion that they can make it through life without prayer. Many people who strive to be self-reliant struggle with the idea of spending time in prayer. There is a set of Christians who do no pray because they think God is too great and too mighty to be bothered with petty things in life. He should be left alone to govern and keep the world sane. There is also a bracket of Christians who do not pray because of the belief that God will not hear them. Even if He did, He would not answer their prayer, they think. These are Christians with personal situations that were or are displeasing to God. They may have fallen into a sin of which they are not sure of God’s forgiveness. They feel they have disappointed God, and now lack the courage to approach Him in prayer.
Let us take time and address the maladaptive notions to prayer identified above.
1. We do not come to God in prayer solely because we are in need of physical provisions. Even if you were in need of His provisions, God is our all-sufficient God. He is “able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).
Depending on God is not weakness. It takes a strong Christian to depend on God. It takes faith. Prayer is a deadly weapon needed in combating the enemy.
It is interesting to note that Christ chose the twelve disciples to be with Him first—spend time with Him— before He could actually send them out into world evangelism (Mark 3:14). Our coming to God in prayer is for us to be in communion and to maintain fellowship with Him. He beckons us unto Himself daily. The best way to respond to Him is through prayer and in His Word. He knows we cannot make it without Him.
2. The great God of the universe is never too busy or too big for anyone. He is not man who has to use his hands, intellect and will to get things done in a twenty-four hour period. He is omnipotent and omnipresent. Prayer does not get Him off schedule. You will never catch Him off guard, either.
Nothing is too small to warrant His attention. If He cares about the strands of dead hair which fall off your head and the sparrow birds with little worth, why would He not care to attend to your need or prayer? (Matthew 10:29-31). God specializes in giving specialized and individualized attention to each of His children.
You cannot go through life without Him. You need Him to guide and direct. He has to help you carry your many cares; otherwise, they will be too heavy. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). He opens His arms to us.
3. Many a Christian has waved his flag of surrender in fighting spiritual battles because of sin. Understand that there is no one Christian who does not sin. God does not expect us to live in sin after saving us; however, many are the times when we find ourselves doing even what our very hearts hate.
When you sin, run back to God in confession and repentance. Side with God by acknowledging that you have sinned. Ask for His forgiveness and turn from that sin unto God as you diligently seek Him and ask for His help. Believe that “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Withdrawing from His presence only over-exposes you to the attacks of Satan. Waving a flag of surrender in spiritual warfare does not stop Satan from attacking you. He only gets victory as he counts you among his hostages who are powerless and ineffective against his kingdom and agents. He will torture and keep you under his torment.
Get back to the Father. He is waiting eagerly. Be reconciled to Him and start living a life of victory. You do not have a choice; you have to be involved in spiritual warfare.
Pray Today if You Want to Stand Tomorrow
2015.02.05 - posted by« back to blog
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