Spiritual Warfare—Reminders [B]
1. Satan will work overtime to ensure that prayerlessness characterizes your life. Prayer is deadly ammunition that fights and resists the enemy. Prayer knows no bounds. It transcends geographical locations, supersedes superpowers, and combats personalities. It has world-wide effects. Satan fears prayer. It is not in vain that God reminds us that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much in James 5:16. It is no wonder Satan fights prayer. A “prayer less” Christian is a defeated soldier. Don’t crawl into Satan’s pit of prayerlessness.
2. Know that God hears and answers prayer. “For he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). God delights in hearing and answering your prayer. Pray! When you seek God with all of your heart, He will be found of you (Jeremiah 29:13). It is God who encourages us to pray. In Jeremiah 33:3 God says, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”Have you called on God? If you are not praying, watch out! That is an indication that the enemy is prowling around your territory.
3. Beware! Satan will interrupt your time of prayer. He will bring to your attention the many tasks that must be accomplished. The telephone will ring off the hook. Your thoughts will take a serious mind trip making it hard to concentrate. Satan will whisper into your ears varied reasons why God cannot listen. “You are too weak a Christian to pray.”He will say. Tiredness will creep in and if you do not persist, that warm sleepy feeling will be hard to resist.
Fight for your prayer time. Schedule time for prayer. As that time approaches, pray that God will enable you to concentrate and pray. Pray diligently. Pray earnestly as though all results were dependent on that prayer as you engage God who moves in response to prayer.
Great men and women of God are molded for service on their knees. Those who kneel at the throne of grace in honesty as they entreat God constantly have power. They are not easily deceived because they are alert spiritually. They can stand against many schemes of the enemy and move onto victory in faith. Spiritual battles are won on the knees of praying saints. Pray.
Spiritual Warfare—Reminders [B]
2014.11.10 - posted by« back to blog
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