Do Business with God

2020.12.20 - posted by Amilliah Kenya
20. Do Business with God
Half-hearted devotion to God is dangerous and fruitless. God purposed to spit the church of Laodicea out of His mouth for luke-warmness. He warned and cautioned them to be either hot or remain cold like ice. Unfortunately, most of us remain in the box of non-committal-wishy-washy lukewarm fellowship and service to God. We hurt ourselves as we can neither know nor enjoy God. We miss His voice and direction. We stagger with one leg in the devil’s camp while hopping to please and follow God. God cannot use us mightily in such a state.
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many…. Daniel 11:32

When you remain in the shallow waters of Christianity, you can do nothing but endure your Christian walk. Often, life will seem unfair and its burdens too numerous to bear. You will carry the weight of your burdens and maintain a defeated disposition and attitude. This will discourage your heart and make you walk in unbelief. You will follow reluctantly, at a distance, and miss the intended joy for your journey.

Those who walk close and maintain fellowship with God witness His works and power. They acquire understanding and do exploits for God. They become teachers of what they have seen and heard. (1 John 1:3) Don’t be satisfied with luke-warmness. God would rather you were either hot or cold. (Revelation 3:15-16) Half-hearted commitments and service are counterproductive. The devil likes nominal commitment. This way he can target, entice, and defeat you easily. Do business with God.
Read: Psalm 107:23-25

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