God wants you to have victory in your life. God wants you to enjoy your walk with Him. His desire is for you to go through life fulfilled together with your children and family. God takes care of His children. He cares about the dangers which face His children today. You see, once you become a Christian, you are never alone. You enter into God’s royal family. He walks with you. He protects you from the fierce attacks of the enemy. God promises never to leave or forsake His children. (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5)
Satan opposes the work of God and fights Christians. Every Christian is a target. Satan’s greatest strategy in fighting Christians is deception. He isolates God’s children, entices, and lures them to fall for his hoaxes as he rips them of joy, valuable weapons, and subsequent victory needed to live a fulfilled Christian life. This is called spiritual warfare.
When you talk about spiritual warfare, it is not uncommon for some Christians to shy away. “That is too dangerous a ground to fool with,” some may say. This is because many have presented spiritual warfare in a mystical occultist manner that leaves Christians so unprepared for what faces them in their daily struggles as they endeavor to serve and please the Lord.
What are the struggles that face God’s children in the 21st Century? You know! Spiritual battles are as real as physical battles. The devil is a schemer. He has both short and long term objectives for every Christian. He comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. (John 10:10) He has plans to get you, your children, and your family; to defeat you mentally and make you doubt even the very love and care of God.
Satan plays with our weakness too. His enticements are real. He offers to God’s children what he knows will be hard to resist. Look around and see the influence of Satan in the lives of people you know. Get closer home and evaluate your own family. Is there evidence of satanic infiltration? Can you identify Satan’s dirty tricks in what is happening? What about yourself? What happened? Are you under his attack?
God does not laugh at His children as they undergo spiritual struggles in the 21st Century. The battle is on. Spiritual warfare is real. Satan will want you to believe that God does not care. He will do what he can to make you believe that God has left you alone to face an enemy who is impossible to fight. Remember, the devil is a liar. He has been a liar from the beginning and when he speaks, he lies because there is no truth in him. He speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (John 8:44)
God wants you to have victory in your life. God wants you to enjoy your walk with Him. His desire is for you to go through life fulfilled together with your children and family. God stands with His children. He speaks. He trains. He warns and guides. God gives us instructions regarding what surrounds us and how to fight in this spiritual warfare. He equips us for the times. He fights with us and for us. Your joy, fulfilment, and victory are His pleasure.
God provides impeccable protection for you and me to effectively face the enemy who is well disguised. You see, God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. He will do just as He has promised. (Numbers 23:19) God has formidable weapons for His children. God’s weapons know no bounds! They are precisely wielded to get to the enemy however beguiled. God is faithful.
• What makes us stand and bear the fierce attacks of the enemy?
• Exactly how does Satan reach to us today? How does he fight in this century?
• How do we fight him today? How do we protect our children, our families and ourselves?
• How can we enjoy our walk with God and move from victory to victory in the 21st Century?
• What steps are crucial in winning spiritual battles? How do we check ourselves to see whether we are well protected let alone being equipped to fight?
• Can we create battlefields for those to come—our children, grandchildren, and families?
• How do you prepare for the days ahead? How do we rebuild and restore what has been destroyed and stolen by the enemy?
There is no Christian who does not face Satan’s challenges every day. Even the godliest men and women of God face opposition day-to day. Spiritual warfare is real. Victory calls for training, learning to receive, and acting on God’s orders. It calls for knowing your enemy and learning how to fight him.
Do not take a step further on Satan’s destructive road. Call on God. It is time to get back to spiritual victory with God. God wants to heal you. Your despair, hopelessness, anguish, and constant defeat concern Him. Don’t be afraid even if you have found yourself in Satan’s cage. Get back to God. You are His child. God has the power to heal and restore you to victory. He will help you.
Spiritual Victory for the 21st Century
2017.05.02 - posted by« back to blog
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