God's Presence the Missing Something

2017.04.08 - posted by Amilliah Kenya
4. God’s presence empties self and leads to surrender. You cannot be in God’s presence and maintain a focus on self. This is a good litmus test for what you are experiencing. God’s presence melts our hearts unto the Savior. It causes us to give up what we hold dear to life. It brings a freshness of God’s immeasurable goodness. It causes us to submit to Him and allow Him to be the Lord of our lives again. We willingly give Him the driver seat with all keys for our life. We enthrone Him in our hearts again as we surrender the desire to run our own lives.

Surrender is a common song in God’s presence. Here we yield to His holy will in exchange for our selfish ambitions. We relinquish our rights and willingly take up His duty. We capitulate our intellect for His use. We yield our hands and feet to His service. We surrender to move at the impulse of His love.

5. God’s presence rips us of showiness and exposes us to fellowship and worship. Performances do not have a place in God’s presence. When you try, your heart will testify that they are a stench in God’s nostrils and a hindrance to worship for other people. Shows and outward displays obscure God’s face and deny His people an abundance of blessings. They bring shame and dishonor. They quench the Spirit of God. God has promised not to share His glory with man. See Isaiah 42:8,11. When man dominates the scenes, God does not strive with Him. His Spirit shall not always strive with man. See Genesis 6:3. He withdraws.

6. God’s presence brings reconciliation. God’s presence causes you to depart from sin. As your heart is warmed by His tender embrace, you look at yourself in the light of the prodigal son. You come to your senses and see what you missed as you were estranged from God’s love. You regret the moments of self-torment and suffering. You evaluate the scars of your own making which resulted from godless choices and decisions. You look at what you could have been in the courts of your Father. You denounce your destitute condition and head back to the throne of grace. Here, in God’s presence, you attain mercy and grace for your time of need.

7. God’s presence brings a holy restraint in your heart against evil. It restores a sound mind, and generates a desire for obedience. It cements trueness and commitment to God. His presence causes the heart that once delighted in wickedness to abhor evil and retreat into God’s haven harbor of rest. His presence reconciles us to Him.

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