Be Governed by God’s Word

2020.12.05 - posted by Amilliah Kenya
5. Be Governed by God’s Word
When and individual, a family or a nation is faced with uncertainty and difficulty, it helps to have God’s clear voice. When you look at the chronicles of the kings who ruled over God’s people in Bible times, those who surrounded themselves with God’s servants not only heard but received clear counsel and direction from God. It is easy to be led astray when our hearts deviate from God’s Word and counsel. There are many orators and schemers in the world who are good at speaking to the hearts of people and leading them away from God without revealing their hidden motives.

Do you need guidance, clear direction, and preciseness in your decision making? Do you desire practical solutions for your daily encounters? Try the first line of defense and operation for all spiritual endeavors; God’s Word.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

God’s Word is divinely inspired to help you go through life successfully. It is God’s heavenly formula for man’s earthly problems. Make it a point not to go through a day without the guidance of God’s Word. Listen to God as He teaches what He expects of you. Pay attention to His correction so you do not continue on a wrong and misleading path for a long time. Be attentive as He reveals His chosen way. It is your daily walk, and your intentional tuning in to hear what God has each day that will lead to your being thoroughly equipped to stand and to do what He desires.

God’s Word is our compass in life. It is our spiritual thermometer that alerts us when we are plagued with worldly fevers and soul sickness. Stay in the Word.
Read: Psalm 119:78-82, 92-94

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